Terry Lee’s Unique Art
As an art enthusiast and supporter of local artists, I have had the pleasure of representing one particular artist in my store for over 10 years. Terry Lee’s work has not only been a staple in my store, but also in the homes of many of my loyal customers. He also has become a dear friend. We initially bonded because we realized that we both had twins the same age…then his quick, quirky wit won me over too. He’s always good for a good belly laugh with his jokes!
Terry’s studio
Terry initially started with mural work and art finishes. He’s worked in some of the finest homes in Chicago and Florida.
Terry came to Martha’s Vineyard 13 year ago and happened in to my little studio/shop 10 years ago when it was called Refabulous Decor and located down by the waterfront. I did mostly furniture painting and sold paint. Trust me, he’s also helped me repair some painting snafus that I created.
The sperm whale to the left is one of Terry’s mainstays that he likes to paint.
Terry does admit though his first love was wood carving. When he was a boy growing up in Illinois he made his first wood carving of an old Indian face using a sharpened nail from his father’s workshop. He was so proud of it and couldn’t wait to show his father after school. He rushed in to the studio, “Dad, did you see my…” his face crumbled as he realized his father had tossed that exact piece of wood in to the fireplace and it was in flames! He tortured his Dad for 40 years over that mishap! It didn’t hold him back for long though and all through-out high school Terry was making wood carvings and paintings and selling them to family and friends.
Terry admits he was a bit of a gypsy back in the day; traveling around the country, selling art, having a paint construction business and even owned a nightclub in Ashville, NC at one point. Though never formally trained, Terry says his Grandfather was a big influence on him. His grandfather was 100% Cherokee Indian, lived on a reservation and painted. He often downplayed his Indian roots, telling Terry, “there’s no money in it”. He would travel around the country looking for work and pretending he was Mexican to get work. The Indian blood in Terry can be seen in many pieces that he’s created.
Terry has always loved to work with animals and the environment (mermaids too!) than people. He likes the “texture” he says. “Age and patina is a blessing,” he explains. He always likes to incorporate materials, like copper and bits & bobs from the thrift store or found on his walks. Repurposing and “bringing something back from the dead” is ingrained in his being. He also makes all of his unique frames.
There’s many days here on the Island during the winter when I’m tapped for inspiration and in walks Terry…whistling or humming a tune with his smile on his face. “Coffee?” he asks. “Always.” I’ll say. I’ll throw the Closed sign on the door and we’ll escape usually to the confides of Nat’s Nook for a coffee and a good catch-up. We talk about our kids and life and our art. He’s the real artist - I’m merely a crafting fool. I love learning about what he’s working on the different mediums he’s experimenting with.
Terry’s carving abilities especially amaze me. So detailed and yet smooth. He once producted a 4’ tall Uncle Sam carved out of a large log which we sold instantly to a customer who became a life-long patron of Terry’s. That happens often, people fall in love with a piece and then fall in love with all of Terry’s art. Ah, to be so sought-after….which is ironic because Terry actually prefers to spend a lot of time alone and refers to himself as the “Hermit”. ;) We drag him out in to the world often to bring us art and coffee and companionship.
“In a perfect world there would be - good black coffee, carving tools and wood.”
Terry Lee
We look forward to years of more great work from Terry filled with inspiration, repurposed treasures and his warm and alway-tongue-in-cheek humor. “Terry, what do you have for me?”